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XLoD Global - London 2024


Panel Discussion: Leveraging Technology & Analytics: Future Proofing Operational Risk Management

14 Nov 2024
  • What opportunities are there for banks to further develop their operational risk metrics so as to better align with tthose available within credit & market risk analytics that cover their trading businesses?
  • How can banks leverage advanced technologies like AI and data analytics to enable realtime insights into risks?
  • How can financial institutions adopt agile risk management frameworks to quickly adapt to changes in the business environment, regulatory landscape, and emerging risks?
  • Is it possible to develop industry standard metrics across a range of operational risks?
  • Should firms focus on creating dedicated teams to focus on specific operational risks or should firms focus on improving collaboration between the business and 2nd Line?
  • Should banks be doing more to focus on improving riskawareness culture within the organisation, reducing the need for siloed, duplicative functions?