Joep Knook
Joep Knook is a Interim Manager Market Surveillance at the Dutch Authority for the Financial Markets (AFM). The AFM is the conduct regulator for the Dutch financial market.
He joined the AFM late 2008 and is responsible for market surveillance, trading review and analysis and In this role, Joep represents the AFM towards issuing companies, trading firms and –venues. He is also involved in the development of risk based surveillance strategies and regulatory policies.
He is a member of the Market Conduct Roundtable, a global forum of regulators and SRO’s which is initiated to share and discuss regulatory issues. Joep is also a representative for the AFM in the ESMA Market Integrity Standing Committee.
Joep started his career as a stock option trader in Amsterdam in the late 90’s and joined Euronext in 2005 where he was responsible for the development and implementation of the corporate action policy for its’ European derivative markets.